مستخلصات خلوية فريدة من الحمض النووي للأسماك مكملات غذائية يومية للتجديد الخلوي والعافية الكاملة والتجديد الكلي

سعر مخفض جديد.

اشتري الآن*

* من الموزع المعتمد من شركتنا. تطبق الشروط و الأحكام

كبسولات بي أي اف هي مكمل غذائي يومي مع مستخلصات الحمض النووي الخلوية المركزة للأسماك للتجديد الخلوي والعافية وتجديد الشباب.

يتم تصنيع الكبسولات غير المشيمية (PE) مع مستخلصات خلوية من الحمض النووي للأسماك في سويسرا. و يتم تصنيع كبسولات بي أي اف PE Softgels AF مع مشيمة الأغنام في ألمانيا والاتحاد الأوروبي والولايات المتحدة.

PE Softgel AF with Marine Cellular & Vegetal Extracts (PE Marine)

PE Marine is health supplement that using Marine Cellular Extracts as main ingredients. To be compared with PE Softgel AF, PE Marine has higher concentration of Marine Cellular Extracts, which emphasize more on the health benefit that this premium ingredients can offer.

Marine Cellular Extracts, is obtained via water phase extraction of fish milt, this original process of extraction able to preserve the polymerised of form DNA, which is the main constituent of the fish milt. Marine Cellular Extracts, possesses various biological properties such as antioxidants, antimicrobial, photo protective and anti-photo aging activities. It helps to improve physical performance, support musculoskeletal health, stimulate immune system and stimulate the production of healthy collagen and elastin in skin.

PE Marine is also fortified with vegetal actives including Coenzyme Q10 and Grape Seed Extract to complement and work as synergy for better potency.

Coenzyme Q10
Ubiquinol, the best of all CoQ10 is a naturally occurring coenzyme, a free radical scavenger and possesses antioxidant and membrane stabilizing properties
Grape Seed Extract
Rich in oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes which possess antioxidant activity.


PE Marine is an outstanding anti-aging health supplement that proven to sustenance healthy extracellular matrix component in the body that essential for various metabolic processes for growth, renewal and repair of cells.

WELLBEING Rejuvenation

Boost general health, vitality and wellness

Increase energy levels

Support healthy intestinal

Reduce cellular and body inflammation

Improve cognition

Improve stamina and physical performance

Support healthy musculoskeletal system

METABOLIC Rejuvenation

Accelerate metabolic process

Regeneration of wound

IMMUNE Rejuvenation

Modulation of the immune system

AESTHETIC Rejuvenation

Improve and accelerate the production of Collagen and Elastin

Reduce fine lines and wrinkles

Enhance skin structure, firmness and elasticity

Promote even skin tone and offer brightening effect

Reduce the signs of photo aging

لمزيد من الاستشارة حول العناية بالبشرة والمكملات الغذائية ، يرجى إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى اخصائي
التغذية على العنوان: [email protected].

تنشيط التجديد الخلوي من داخل