Benefits of MF3 HFR Beard Follicle Activator
How to Use Beard Follicle Activator With The Microned Stamper
Beard Hair Versus Head/Eyebrow Hair
Unlike the hair found on our scalp or eyebrows, beard hair follicles and their growth are largely propelled by the testosterone hormone. The linear hair growth rate for beards is determined by the amount of dihydrotestosterone, a byproduct of testosterone activated via enzymes in the hair follicles’ oil glands.
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is an androgen and is the main regulator of changes in hair growth. Both scalp hair follicles and beard follicles are sensitive to DHT, but it impacts them differently. High levels of circulating androgens such as DHT can shrink hair follicles as well as shorten the hair growth cycle, resulting in hair loss.
Androgens stimulate the proliferation of keratinocytes, prompting the dermal papilla to produce androgen-dependent paracrine growth factors. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) was identified as one of the androgen-dependent paracrine growth factors, acting as the paracrine mediator from dermal papilla cells (DPC) to epithelial cells.
DHT, however, exerts an opposite effect on beard hair follicles. Beards possess androgen receptors, thus making beard growth rate dependent on androgen. Androgen acts on the epithelial hair follicles via mesenchyme-derived dermal papilla situated at the base of the follicles – the dermal papilla is the main site of androgen action in hair follicles as it contains low capacity, high affinity androgen receptors.
Androgens prolong the growth phase of beard hair and promote their conversion from vellus to terminal type. Since beard hair growth is triggered and regulated by DHT, men with naturally low androgenic hormones will not be able to grow thick and voluminous beards.
By taking this information into account, MF3 Beard Follicle Activator was carefully formulated with Proprietary Blend Beard Follicle Regenerator – an advanced solution that primes the follicles for growth, fuels liner growth, stimulates hair follicle development, and prolongs the anagen phase via augmentation of DHT in beard hair dermal papilla. Each individual epithelial hair follicle of the beard is affected by this solution’s unique mechanism of action.