The Impact of Salt Intake on Our Health and What to Do About it

Most people if not everyone, already knows that consuming foods that are high in sodium or in excessive amounts is an unhealthy eating habit that can lead to many health complications.
As we acknowledge World Salt Awareness Week from 14th till 20th March 2022, we would like to bring the attention to salt consumption and how it impacts our health.
This year, the theme for World Salt Awareness Week is “Shake the Salt Habit”, and it simply means taking into consideration the reduction of salt intake in our diet.
Though a small change that anyone can make, its positive effect on our health is even greater and can even save our life!
However, being aware and educating ourselves about the negative impact that it can pose on our health is the first step to getting our health in check.
What is salt?
First of all, let us understand and get to know what salt is.
Salt is a type of mineral composed mainly of sodium chloride, consisting of 40% sodium and 60% chloride.
It has been an essential part of our lives for centuries, dating back to 6,000 BC, being ones of the oldest and ever-present food seasonings and staple for food preservation.
Salt is also a necessary nutrient for us as it helps to maintain certain functions in our body, including plasma volume, acid-base balance, transmission of nerve impulses as well as normal cell function.
What is the Recommended Salt Intake?
A healthy diet would consist of less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day as recommended by the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults consume less than 5 g (just under a teaspoon) of salt per day.
The salt intake is to be adjusted downward for children aged two to 15 years based on their energy requirements relative to those of adults.
However, this recommendation for children does not address the period of exclusive breastfeeding (0–6 months) or the period of complementary feeding with continued breastfeeding (6–24 months).
Health Risks and Complications Due to Excessive Salt Intake
Some of the health risks that comes with having a diet that is high is salt or sodium include high blood pressure and hypertension, which in turn causes cardiovascular diseases like heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, and in some cases, brain disease.
Not only that, but it can also cause calcium deficiency which can lead to osteoporosis, as calcium leaches out from the bones due to excessive salt intake.
Shockingly, The World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research have also found a link between salt consumption and cancer, and stated that salt as well as salted and salty foods, are a “probable cause of stomach cancer.”
All of the mentioned health risks are proven to be fatal and can even lead to death.
It is especially important to take note that these health risks that are caused by excessive salt intake can affect people of all ages, including children.
Things We Can Do to Reduce Salt or Sodium Intake
Besides being aware about its impact on our health, the best thing we can do is to start reducing salt in our diet if we are consuming it above the recommended intake.
This eating habit is especially good to start during childhood or for your own children as becoming conditioned to high-salt taste in food can make it challenging for them to cut back as they grow older.
It is also advised to cut down on eating prepared, processed and store-bought foods and meals as they tend to have high salt content.
Preparing and eating our own meals at home is also the best way to reduce salt intake as we are able to adjust the amount of salt that we use in our cooking ourselves.
We can also search for healthy yet tasty recipes that are easily accessible, and incorporate these healthy dishes into our diet.
Another thing that we can do is to find healthier alternatives to substitute salt in our cooking to give them flavor. This includes herbs, citrus like lemon and also spices.
Supplements that Help to Reduce Health Risks Caused by Excessive Salt or Sodium Consumption
Since heart/ cardiovascular health is very much associated with excessive sodium intake and is the most common health risk, here are a few MF3 supplements we would like to recommend to you for optimum heart health.
1. MCE Evolution Softgels
The MCE Evolution Softgels is great to incorporate as part of your health regimen to improve and support healthy aging and cardiovascular health.
It derives its goodness from the sea and is rich in Omega-3 and active antioxidant Ubiquinol, all of which are essential for heart health.
Learn more about MCE Evolution
2. PlaqX / PlaqX Extra Softgels
Formulated over 55 years ago to treat liver disease and dissolve fatty embolus during and after trauma surgery, PlaqX has evolved since as a solution to remove plaque deposits in the form of softgels.
It is known to improve vagal activity in the body as well as inhibit inflammation caused by hypertension.
Learn more about PlaqX / PlaqX Extra
3. Alfa PlaqX Sofgels
An upgrade from the PlaqX and PlaqX Extra supplements, Alfa PlaqX contains additional active ingredients to provide maximum health for the heart.
It works to neutralize radical build up in the heart, reduce the circulating of homocysteine and prevent the formation of arterial plaque that is known to cause blockage.
4. GI Proenzyme Synbiotic
Last but not least is the GI Proenzyme Synbiotic, which is known to provide superior health support for the gut and immune system.
However, another additional benefit of consuming GI Proenzyme Synbiotic is its ability to dissolve fibrin as well as disintegrate arterial plaque build-up.
Learn more about GI Proenzyme Synbiotic