Immunotherapy In Bioregenerative Medicine

Immunotherapy In Bioregenerative Medicine
Author: Prof. Dr. Mike K.S. Chan, Dr. Roni Lara Moya and Prof. Dr. Dmytro Klokol
A new work from the authors of Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine, Comprehensive Guide to Biological Medicine and Wellness, and Cell Membrane Therapy. A revolutionary discussion of contemporary scientific views on the role of the immune system in occurrence with age-related degenerative diseases such as cancer and autoimmune diseases. Immunotherapy options and medical indications for the use of various types of immunotherapeutic products are reviewed. Biological methods of immunotherapy are emphasized, i.e. transfer factors, thymic peptides, autologous vaccines, active specific immunotherapy, macrophage activating factors, et cetera. This book is backed by extensive literature reviews, references, and citations, as well as presentation of relevant clinical cases.