MF3 HFR Solution Seal Cap Change
17th November 2020
Dear Valued Customer,
As part of our continuous efforts to improve the quality of our products, we are pleased to inform that MF3 HFR Extract now comes with a newer, improved seal cap. The new seal cap comes in an attractive gold color, and has an incision tearing line that allows it to be peeled off easily compared to the previous seal cap.
With these changes, user will have a much easier time with the process of transferring the HFR Extract into a MicroNed Stamper bottle. In addition to standardizing the caps, there will also be a security seal sticker applied as a guarantee that the product has not been tampered with.
The transition to this new seal cap configuration will take immediate effect by today, on 17th November 2020.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your Sales Representative or Corporate Account Manager. You may also e-mail us at [email protected] for any inquiries.
Thank you.
Your Sincerely,
MF3 Ltd.